Cannabis as medicine
Throughout the ages there have been many documented uses of cannabis as a medical treatment in one way or another. The diverse range of healing properties that cannabis can provide are really quite unique and amazing to know of and understand.
The cannabis plant contains well over 500 active compounds in it. The primary compounds most active in cannabis and most referred to as having healing properties are known as cannabinoids. The primary cannabinoids are THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (Cannabidiol) however there are over 100 other cannabinoids found in cannabis as well. THC is the compound that is responsible for the psychoactive effects of cannabis(the “high” feeling). CBD however is the primary compound responsible for a majority of the underlying healing properties of cannabis. CBD in combination with some other underlying cannabinoids help to bind with cannabinoid receptors in the human body and work on a very large scale to build and heal your body over its duration in your system.
Some examples of cannabis use as medicine from early history might be:
- 2737 BC the emperor Shen-Nug recognized and made use of cannabis for a multitude of ailments.
- 2000–1000 BC cannabis was used daily in the Hindu lifestyle for a variety of health benefits.
- 450–200 BC Greco-Roman documented use for tooth aches and labor pains.
- 1025 AD Avicenna publishes works documenting cannabis as a sufficient medical treatment for gout, edema, infectious wounds, severe headaches. His work was very widely studied and had a lasting impact on the western medical practice.
- 1300 AD cannabis makes its way from India to Eastern Africa where it is used to treat malaria, asthma, fever and dysentery.
- 1798 Napoleon brings cannabis back from Egypt to France. Cannabis is researched heavily for its medical properties and was discovered to possess pain relieving and sedative properties. It was used to treat tumors, cough and jaundice as well.
- 1900 Medical cannabis becomes commonly used to treat nausea, labor pains rheumatism and more. Cannabis treatments become available over the counter in products such as the “one day cough cure”.
Unfortunately at this point in time cannabis use became outlawed in America and negatively viewed by other nations across the globe. For example the Harrison act of 1914 outlawed drug use, of which cannabis was classified. Followed by the marijuana tax act of 1937 which banned the sale of cannabis in America as well. These things in combination with global issues deferred the development of medicinal cannabis for nearly one hundred years.
Present day
Fast forward to present day! April 2021. Medical cannabis is a prominent figure in the field of medical treatments. It has been proven that cannabis aids in the treatment of a very large amount and variety of ailments. There are four places where cannabis is fully legal and/or regulated which are Canada, Uruguay, South Africa and Georgia. In the United States medical cannabis is legal in 35 of 50 total states as well. Medical cannabis is also legal or decriminalized in other countries such as Jamaica, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Mexico, the U.K. and many many more totaling well over fifty.
Some qualifying conditions include but are not limited to :
- Cancer
- Chronic Pain
- Glaucoma
- HIV/Aids
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Seizures
- Nausea
- Alzheimer’s
- Muscle spasms
- Arthritis
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Migranes
There are many many more that could be listed but as you can see there is a very large list of conditions that cannabis can successfully aid in treating!
The future of cannabis
A simple assessment of the adoption of cannabis into the medical field over the past 25 years would point all signs towards a massive uptake in adoption as a medical treatment. Most places that begin with only medical cannabis often times end up with full legalization once they realize the massive profit potential for small businesses, the cities, the governments and anyone else involved. Cannabis is and will continue to be one of the largest and most profitable, fully legal and extremely versatile products used across the globe as more and more countries follow in the footsteps of others who already already taking action. Let anti cannabis propaganda be a thing of the past and let us enable cannabis to take its true role in the forefront of medical treatment where it belongs.
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